Time & Attendance Data Specification
This is the data specification for the information ControlCheck (formally known as Bluesight for Controlled Substances) requires to process Time and Attendance files for the Shift Analysis with Timecards metric. Currently, customers must author their own query to pull the required data.
ControlCheck will ingest the T&A file and match the unique provider identifiers with identifiers ControlCheck has already received in other source files (EMR/ADC files). This allows the system to associate shift information with controlled substance activity in the hospital. If your hospital cannot meet the following data specification, please contact your Account Manager.
File Transport
T&A files can be uploaded via the ControlCheck user interface, however, delivery over SFTP is highly preferred. File transfers should occur after the pay period ends and time adjustments have been made. This is usually every two weeks or once per month.
💡 Pre-Implementation & Data Validation File: During implementation, your implementation specialist will request a historical extract of data. This is a one-time request that will be manually uploaded into the application. The historical file upload would not depend on the SFTP being fully setup. Potentially some requirements may be different during testing/validation such as file size, naming, and date range.
File Requirements
- Files must be formatted as .csv that conform to RFC 4180 and utilize UTF-8 for character encoding
- File size should not exceed 50 mb
- The file name should follow the schema and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
- bluesight_healthsystem_hospitalname_TimeandAttendanceName_date.csv
- Output column headers are case-sensitive and must match the values specified below. The order in which those columns appear can be different than the order listed below. However, it is highly recommended that customers follow the order below for consistency and readability.
💡 Rows in the file should only include "normal" punch ins/punch outs for start and end of shift. Customer should exclude punch ins/punch outs for lunch or breaks.
Data Fields
Output Column Name | Required | Data Type | Formatting | Description |
Person_number | Y | String | N/A | A unique identifier (not name) associated with a provider. This identifier must match provider identifiers we receive and store from ADC/EMR files. |
Actual_start | Y | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | The actual start date and time (clock-in) of a provider’s shift. |
Actual_end | Y | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | The actual end date and time (clock-out) of a provider’s shift. |
Sched_start | N | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | The scheduled start date and time of a provider’s shift. |
Sched_end | N | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | The scheduled end date and time of a provider’s shift. |
Home_job | N | String | N/A | The provider’s role (RN, Physician, etc.) *Note: The header is still required even if values are blank. |
Home_dept | N | String | N/A | The provider’s main department *Note: The header is still required even if values are blank. |