Cerner Millennium Data Specification
Version: v5
Update At Date: December 22, 2023
This is the data specification for the information ControlCheck (formally known as Bluesight for Controlled Substances) requires for Cerner Millennium integrations. ControlCheck ingests Cerner data from hospitals and dispensing data from the hospital’s automated dispensing cabinets. ControlCheck then compares the two sets of data to ensure that all dispenses of controlled substances have a corresponding administration for an equal amount.
*Note: This query is for Cerner Millennium clients and written in CCL. For Cerner CommunityWorks, please refer to the data specifications for Non-Supported EMR Systems
Data Extract
Customers are strongly encouraged to use the template CCL queries provided as the fastest path to a compliant data feed. The queries can be found attached to this post below. Customers may opt to author their own query to extract the required data if the output meets the following data specification. The customer is solely responsible for any issues involving a custom query. If your hospital cannot meet the following data specification, please discuss this with your implementation specialist or contact
The zip file will contain the following: Cerner Build Guide, CCL Program, CCL Prompt
File Transport
Cerner files can be uploaded via the ControlCheck user interface. However, the delivery over SFTP is highly preferred. Most customers choose to transfer files once per day. File transfers are typically scheduled to occur after midnight and contain the previous day’s data.
Recommended file transfer times are from 0400-0600 to ensure 1) data has migrated to the appropriate servers and 2) that Bluesight is able to process files in a timely manner prior to customer auditing. Additionally, it is recommended that the EMR file be sent at least 30 minutes before the ADC file(s) for optimized processing and data ingestion.
Individual files should be generated per facility, although there are specific use cases that would require including multiple facilities. Discuss with your implementation specialist before finalizing hospital groupings.
File Requirements
- Files must be formatted with pipe-delimiters and as .csv that conform to RFC 4180 and utilize UTF-8 for character encoding
- File size should not exceed 50 mb
- The file name should follow the schema and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
- bluesight_healthsystem_hospitalname_cerner_admindate.csv
- Output column headers are case-sensitive and must match the values specified below. The order in which those columns appear can differ from the order listed below. However, it is highly recommended that customers follow the order below for consistency and readability.
Pre-Implementation & Data Validation File
During implementation, your implementation specialist will request a historical extract of data. This is a one-time request that will be manually uploaded into the application. The historical file upload would not depend on the SFTP being fully set up. Potentially some requirements may be different during testing/validation such as file size, naming, and date range.
Data Requirements
Column Header | Format | Description | Required | Examples |
FACILITY | Text and/or Numeric | Facility name where medication was administered | Required | Bluesight Hospital |
LOCATION | Text and/or Numeric | Location where medication was administered | Required | ICU |
PATIENT_NAME | Text | Patient Name | Required | Jane Doe |
MRN | Text and/or Numeric | Patient Medical Record Number1 | Required | MRN123 |
FIN | Text and/or Numeric | Patient Encounter Number1 | Required | FIN456 |
ORDER_ID | Numeric | Order ID | Required | 78900 |
ADMIN_DT_TM | Date Time | Date and time when administration had taken place. | Required | 06-02-2020 23:10:30 |
DRUG_NAME | Text and/or Numeric | Unique drug name for the medication in the EMR. This describes information about a medication’s generic form, concentration, strength, and drug form factor. | Required | Zolpidem 5 mg |
ROUTE | Text | Route the drug was given | Required | PO |
FORM | Text | Drug form | Required | Cap-ER |
ITEM_ID | Text and/or Numeric | Unique identifier for the medication in the EMR. This provides information about a medication’s generic form, concentration, strength, and drug form factor. | Required | A01234 |
ADMIN_AMOUNT | Numeric | The amount of medication administered per administration transaction | Required | 5 |
ADMIN_UNIT | Text | The unit of measurement of the medication that is being administered | Required | MG |
USER_NAME | Text | Name of provider that administered the medication | Required | John Doe |
USER_ID | Text and/or Numeric | UserID of provider that administered the medication. | Required | JDOE1 |
USER_ROLE | Text and/or Numeric | Role of the provider that administered the medication | Optional | Physician |
Version Log
Version 6 Changes (6/7/2024):
- Combined Validation and Automation scripts into one program
- Generated output as a zip file that contains Build Guide, CCL Program, and CCL Prompt
- Restructure to explicitly define CSV output to control output format and control characters
- Embeds logic for blank locations to output "NULL" values