Guidelines for using the Bluesight Community


Have you ever heard the saying, “You’re only as good as your network?” The Bluesight Community is made up of Bluesight users and employees. It serves as your go-to destination for Bluesight product know-how, peer-to-peer support, and thought leadership on best practices. Here, members learn from each other and build their influence and profile on the Bluesight Community. With that in mind, Bluesight has created a few key guidelines to ensure the community is valuable to you and serves as a platform where we can all grow better together. So without further ado, here are some guidelines when using the Bluesight Community. 

Be Respectful

We all want to share positive experiences in the community, so please be polite and considerate in your interactions with other members. Respect the time and attention it takes to post well-thought-out questions and answers. All opinions are welcome, but personal insults and harassment have no place in the community. 

Be Relevant

The community is designed to provide a place for Bluesight users to seek and receive help from other community members. A lot of thought goes into the posts you read in the topic boards. So if you decide to comment in any threads, please keep your comments constructive and relevant to the topic board and thread. If you have a new question, start a new thread rather than interrupting a conversation. 

Share the Love

Make the Bluesight Community a richer place by sharing your Bluesight expertise. You may have just the right answer that somebody else is looking for, so delight them by adding your insight to the conversation. 

Be Responsible

You’re solely responsible for your interactions with other community users. Please use good judgment when posting and/or interacting with others. Do not post anything that would violate any contractual agreements (PHI, copyright, trade secret, or otherwise) or nondisclosure agreements to which you’re a party. 

Protect everyone’s privacy

Don’t share anything about yourself, your institution, or that of any other community member that you/they would not want to be publically available. Do not post personal information you receive in one-to-one communications and private messages without the other party’s consent.

Keep in mind this is user-generated content.

You’ll find plenty of good advice, instruction, and insight here, but remember that you and your institution's situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of other community members. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the internet. By engaging and contributing to the Bluesight Community, you agree to follow these rules as well as the full Bluesight Community Terms of Use.